Anger continued



The best way to deal with anger or any negative emotion, is to think about it and journal, so that you understand the cause of your anger. Keep discerning with your Higher Self and Spirit until it becomes clear to you.

It really helps to understand the inner cause of your anger or reaction rather than focus on the other as the problem and allow your emotions to get more and more rattled. When you blame the other you believe they are the cause of your anger rather than the trigger. You are left stuck in your anger. You are trying to change the other which you can’t. This leaves you feeling a victim and powerless. The only person you can change is yourself and this has you in charge and empowered. You don’t blame yourself either.

With love, firmness and honesty, seek to understand the inner cause of your anger. Then you will understand the adjustments you need to make and you will understand yourself and others more. You will expand your consciousness. You will heal what lies behind your anger.

Remember your Higher Self is bringing you this experience because there is something you need to understand more. You are repeating this lesson because you haven’t learned the lesson and you will keep repeating it until you do.

You need to listen to what’s going on for you and not by-pass this by thinking your anger is wrong and so not seeking to understand why you reacted in anger. Listen and seek to understand with love and firmness and the desire to learn. You are not bad, just stuck in faulty beliefs and these keep you suffering. It’s so important to acknowledge your emotions not squash them and also not to allow them to run you.

I had the lesson of feeling hurt by someone’s reactions over and over and I would think I shouldn’t feel hurt – this is a negative ego reaction. I would feel hurt and unaware of the anger behind it. [Others feel angry and unaware of the hurt behind it.] So I would try to replace the hurt feeling or more squash it, certainly not listen to why I felt hurt. Eventually I realised that I was not seeking to understand why this experience left me feeling hurt and when I used my journal and asking the help of my Higher self, I began to heal this repeated pattern and lesson and so not need it anymore.


As you journal like this, you begin to understand yourself more and you can see what needs clearing and healing.

Say you felt put down, put in the wrong, corrected. That is an emotional reaction because you believe another can put you down. But it is your interpretation that you have been put down. You cant be put down by another person unless you believe this. This is old faulty thinking

We need to radically change our thinking.

We are so trained in “me” thinking, ego thinking – relating everything to how it affects me. This is where we’ve been stuck because of the belief that we are the ego, the physical body, separate and therefore, under threat, in high alert, ready for fight or flight. No wonder there’s so much anxiety in people. We are not bad to be so much me-centred in our thinking. We didn’t know any different. However, now we are called on to live as a Soul, to remember who we are.